Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What are some tips for controlling a biting puppy?

Question by elizabeth_ashley44: What are some tips for controlling a biting puppy?

My friend has a puppy (but old enough to know better by now I would think) who chews on everything when his owner is IN the house. He’s in a crate during the day when his owner is at school. He gets taken on a 1-2 mile walk EVERY DAY. About an hour after he’s recovered from the walk, he’s regained all of his energy and goes a little crazy at night. His owner has tried all sorts of approaches to get him to stop chewing things. He has plenty of chew toys, and when he’s told he can’t chew on furniture and speaker wires and whatnot, he’s given the chew toy instead. He plays with it for a minute then goes back to chewing on furniture. Sometimes he’ll even bite the owner (hard), thinking it’s a game. When he’s put into submission, it takes a good 15-20 minutes to calm him down. I can’t think of anymore tips for my friend because he seems to be doing everything consistently already. I’d love some dog training tips/suggestions to pass along.

Please read the details before answering. He DOES have chew toys and his owner DOES take him on long walks. He’s had his rabies shot (he was adopted from Humane Society), and his owner shows dominance by putting him into submission. I’ll definitely suggest the Dog Whisperer thing about owning the couch. I forgot to tell him about that, and it’s worked wonders on my own dogs. Keep ‘em coming!

Best answer:

Answer by Lora da Explora
give puppy chew toys because maybe his teeth are just growing out. keep him away from furniture, and give him a bone to distract him, its just a phase that will pass soon, if not….MUZZLE!!! lol jk. take him on long, tiring walks and he wont have energy to do anything but sleep afterwards. also, make sure to show him who’s boss!!!! just like a kid, he needs to be taught whats good and whats bad! dont let him get away with doing bad things (chewing up couch!)

Add your own answer in the comments!

What are some tips for controlling a biting puppy?

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