Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shy border collie(?) mix

Check out these shy dog behavior images:

Shy border collie(?) mix
shy dog behavior

Image by mariposavet

I hate to eat and run…
shy dog behavior

Image by dingatx
For work, I frequently travel into the countryside in Texas. Sometimes when passing through Fayette County I have a snack in a park near the river. A young adult pair of cats used to greet me and beg for food. I haven’t seen them in about a month and wonder what might have happened to them. Dogs, coyotes mean kids?

About two weeks ago I saw two kittens with similar coloring to the adults. Passing through the area today; I wondered if I would see the kittens. There were four!

It is interesting to note how different they are in behavior. Two of the kittens are willing to approach and request food. The other two are much more reserved. I wonder which behavior is more advantageous in that the shyer cats get less food but are also less at risk from people who might do them harm.

I really enjoyed the summer afternoon downpour. I’m not sure they shared my sentiments.

Carlotta and shy Asia
shy dog behavior

Image by wildstray
Carlotta the St. Bernard is a wild playful dog. She loves to tame and chew Tobia :D

Asia is a shepherd mix, she’s a very energetic dog. But she’s fearful of other dogs, especially if there are many dogs around. It’s really difficult to bring her inside the enclosure, and then she hides under the bench. Carlotta always calm down and go under the bench to guard Asia. I cannot well understand this behaviour. Carlotta wants to subdue Asia? Wants to defend Asia? To Calm down Asia?

Shy border collie(?) mix

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