Friday, November 29, 2013

What do you think to Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Question by Nicole: What do you think to Bernese Mountain Dogs?

So we have recently lost our beloved Family Dog (Last Friday) and we are all very upset about losing him! But we are going to look to the future and have decided that we will get a new Dog perhaps next Spring.

We have been considering all kind of breeds (Mainly because it helps keep our mind off the hurt) and I even asked a question on here about what Breeds would be good for our family.

We had all kinds of suggestions from German Shepherds to Labradors. So we are considering these.

BUT, a friend recently suggested to us about a Bernese Mountain Dog! They are suposedly good natured, quite calm, and good in a family enviroment which is good because there are kids in our family. They are also a beutiful looking breed.

We already know about possible health problems that this breed can aquire, and we are prepared for that. Since our previous Dog had suffered with Arthritis and other health problems in the past, but lived a good 13 years, so we managed to take good care of him :’) R.I.P Boz.

Anyway, what are your opinions on this breed? Is there any additional information that an owner would need to know? And what are your experiences with this breed? (If any)

Thankyou! :D

Best answer:

Answer by ronaldo
So sorry about your dog I hope you believe you will see him again one day. he’s at rest and out of pain now.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is wonderful but one I would’nt consider because they prefer a cold climate I know you realise they orignated from Switzerland. The size is daunting however unlike the GSD it’s not the greatest guard dog ever.

There’s only one breed for me although I kept other dogs that I saved, my choice is the GSD and I have owned one for 50 years going on. My last because of my age is all I expected him to be a lot of fun easy to house train, he let himself in and out the back door, and a superb guard dog. The Labrador is also a working dog and we in the UK love this breed the cleverness of how they lead the blind is amazing, they are greedy plump dogs who are always happy also lovely but not a great guard dog.

I think whatever breed of dog you get it will be very lucky to have your family as his owners, you see most people on here want to get rid of their dogs but whatever dog you get it will be with you until he dies.


Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What do you think to Bernese Mountain Dogs?

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