Friday, November 29, 2013

What are the chances my dog caught Parvo from another dog?

Question by Lerchie: What are the chances my dog caught Parvo from another dog?

My 3 month old dog went to the vet last night after he was stung by something. After he had been taken to the back of the vet’s office, another 7 week old puppy came in. It’s owners let it walk around the floor in the vet. That puppy came up and smelled my hand for just a second. That puppy then went to the back of the office, and we got our dog back. Our dog walked on the floor for just a few seconds, and the owner of the sick puppy pet our dog for just a second. We then found out that the puppy had Parvo. Our dogs never came in direct contact, and the employee at the vet said Parvo is only transfered through fecal matter, but is there any chance our dog could have caught Parvo? I’m just paranoid, and want to make sure he’ll be ok.

If my puppy did catch Parvo, how soon would the symptoms begin showing?

The vet we were at was the night vet, not our typical vet. Our puppy has has 3 of his 4 puppy shots. He goes back in 3 weeks for his last set. Should that be enough to help him resist Parvo?

Best answer:

Answer by arabiantwilight56
if the vet said he wont get it then he wont get it, parvo is just given thru fecal matter its not a disease that if he sneezed on your dog it would get it , parvo is just fecal airborne if i have to put it a way

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What are the chances my dog caught Parvo from another dog?

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