Monday, November 25, 2013

meet nike

Some cool dallas dog obedience images:

meet nike
dallas dog obedience

Image by fallsroad
a sweet yellow lab, six months old, with eyes to die for.

nike is currently being fostered by a volunteer trainer who lives in dallas, who pays all the bills out of his pocket, takes nike everywhere he goes (literally – shops, movies, restaurants, business trips) and engages her in rigorous obedience training.

when her basic training and socialization is complete nike will go to the national headquarters of Paws With A Cause to enter highly specialized training for specific client needs. eventually, if she is certified, she will be paired with a person with disabilities to provide assistance. from start to finish, the training costs about ,000 per dog. that sum also covers continued training in the field, plus a replacement dog should the original one be retired due to age or infirmity.

nike’s foster trainer came up to oklahoma for a charity golf tournament sponsored by the oklahoma chapter of PWAC to raise funds for those people in oklahoma who are in need of assistance dogs.

i am awaiting confirmation from PWAC that i will be a recipient of a seizure assistance dog. it was particularly poignant for me to meet some of the dedicated people who take these puppies into their homes and lives to prepare them for the journey that may ultimately lead, one day, to my side.

meet nike

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