Friday, November 1, 2013

The Bad Dog

A few nice cattle dog behavior images I found:

The Bad Dog
cattle dog behavior

Image by barriebarrie
I stuck this pic of Jellybean on top of a big container of homemade chocolate chip cookies I took into our vet clinic today and wrote a note on the back saying that they were from Jellybean with love and apologies for her bad behavior on Wednesday (when she went in to have her itchy skin source investigated.) Our vet just called to say thanks and said that everyone thinks this looks just like a mug shot :-)

PC Philip Boote and Arek
cattle dog behavior

Image by Cheshire Police
Given a "Commendation" at 2011 Cheshire Police dogs awards ceremony.

PC Philip Boote and his Police dog Arek have made over 77 arrests during their time together. One such achievement was when they were sent to search for a 5-year-old boy who had walked away from his home during the night. The boy suffered from Autism and his behaviour could be irrational and unpredictable. He went missing in a rural location with lakes and large open country side and wooded areas. It was vital that this little boy was found urgently before his came to serious harm.

After searching an open area near to a lake, PC Boote saw Arek standing in the middle of the field. The field contained a number of cattle and under these circumstances many dog handlers would be reluctant to allow their dog to search as cattle can often get spooked by the presence of a dog. PC Boote went to investigate his dog’s actions and there found the little boy who was cold, wet and distressed. The boy was handed over to paramedics and his anxious parents. If it had not been for the diligence and skill of PC Boote and Arek the little boy could have come to serious harm. PC Boote and Arek no doubt saved his life.

The Bad Dog

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