Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Q&A: why do people with very sick animals ask questions on this site ?

Question by catwoman: why do people with very sick animals ask questions on this site ?

Sometimes I can’t believe the questions about cat/dog health when quite clearly they should be asking a vet ! If people can’t afford to see a vet, then perhaps they should not have the pet. There are so many people here happy to answer questions about stuff they know nothing about but most of the health questions are very obviously in need of vet help.

Lisa B has very valid points but if these poor people have internet access, then are better looking at vetinary sites than asking loads of folk who don’t care.

Best answer:

Answer by genny
wel maybe before they go to the vet they want to get some advice about something and if u had a pet who was dying and u was going to the vet i bet you, you would want some advice rigth

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Q&A: why do people with very sick animals ask questions on this site ?

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