Friday, January 3, 2014


A few nice dog behavior correction images I found:

dog behavior correction

Image by marymactavish
We’re fostering Sadie, who is probably 15, until she can find a forever home. She’s got some time left, good ol’ girl, and is very happy. Our biggest training job now is letting her know that being an inside dog is okay.

Last Saturday, my friend Ruth and I spent several hours on Fairmont Ridge with the dogs, DJ and Zoe, and her moose, Shane. While we were up there, we ran into a woman a couple of times, who on the second or third greeting, said, "You two wouldn’t know anyone who could foster an old lab, do you? Just for awhile? Muttville has no room, and the shelter’s not even offering her for adoption, just putting her down because she’s old." I didn’t even call to check with Casey, just asked her to phone me. She did, and now Sadie’s living with us.

I took her to the vet this morning. She has a "lick granuloma" on one foot, which we thought was a hot spot. Her skin’s thickened there, so it’s been there a long, long time, giving her chronic burning neuropathy and itch. The vet shot it up with cortisone and bandaged it, and it should feel better soon. The bandage has to stay on for a month. She’s fine with it. She also has arthritis, but after one dose of Rimadyl, she’s rolling in the grass and kicking her feet.

Did I say she’s 15? They’re not positive, but that’s the estimate.

I can’t express what a sweet dog she is – chronic pain, some small degree of neglect (we know she was dropped off by a family who had to put Grandma in a home, and brought Grandma’s dog to the pound shortly after, perhaps Grandma wasn’t able to focus on the dog enough to make sure things like foot injuries were managed), and old age – and she’s *nothing* but love. She assumes the whole world will treat her kindly.

Small rooms are scary, hard floors are scary. "Inside" is a bit scary. But now she’s asleep on the papasan cushion in front of a radiant heater, and all is right with her world.

We’re only fostering Sadie. She’s going to head off, eventually, to a forever home.

Even if her forever isn’t *long*, we hope to ensure it will be happy.

So far, Sadie’s care has cost FOFAS 0 in medical bills. She will require about in meds and 0 in blood tests next May, and I’m not sure after that. She’s probably got two healthy, happy years left on her, maybe a few more than that, with just arthritis meds and the occasional cortisone shot to keep her going. If you’d like to donate to Sadie’s care, visit the "dogs" page at FOFAS, scroll/search down to Sadie’s pictures, and donate through paypal there.

Getting to take care of Sadie for awhile will be an awesome way to start my 48th year.Thanks :)

And Daisy makes three.
dog behavior correction

Image by This Year’s Love
You’ve never seen Israel wear a prong collar before.

I’ve had it for a while, before I even got him. I used it with Judah once or twice, but it’s just not the right tool for her.

I finally pulled it out the other night and did some strict training with him. He doesn’t obey fast enough/consistently enough and that’s my fault for letting him get away with it. He definitely knows the commands, so I’m not correcting him because he doesn’t know the word "sit". I’m correcting him now because he does know it, and he’d better shape up.

It doesn’t take much to get his attention on listening to me. The prong collar is just a sharp reminder to focus.

It’s not an easy thing to do with him since he’s so soft as far as his temperament. I’ve gotten really frustrated with him–but it was more to do with life in general and I took it out on him. He forgave me, but I have to forgive myself for treating him like that (like yelling at him.)

Yesterday we met Daisy.

Judah had no problem with her and Daisy was very relaxed as well. She wasn’t jumping all over the dogs, she was just sniffing and then minding her own business, but she didn’t not like the dogs.

Israel was immediately on the defensive. I had the prong collar on him and wasn’t afraid to use it. But simple pop-snap corrections weren’t getting through to him as he was in his straining-hackles raised-snarling-ready to lunge mode. That means he’s basically blind, deaf and dumb. All he knows in that moment is the other dog and what he’s going to do to it.

I got him calm enough at first when he saw Judah relaxed and he went up to sniff the dog. She didn’t care and let herself be sniffed. But then he wanted to get dominant and started to growl at her, thinking he could put her in her place. Instead, he got put in his.

I pulled him off to the side, away from Daisy, and lifted his front feet on the ground as he snarled and focused entirely on Daisy, wanting to do damage.

I was really, really sick and tired of avoiding the situations or just holding him back, afraid to address it head on. I was told basically the same thing by most people–don’t harshly correct the dog, stay quiet, let it pass, and the typical one of just moving him in the other direction.

Well, no. I’m done with that. It’s not been working for the last seven months. His aggression and anxiety reached the peak this last Sunday and so did my willingness to just let it go. I’m the boss of everything else and why can’t I let myself be the boss when I most need to be? No pack leader would let another member attack anything without permission.

And so I hung him from the collar until he was choking and he had to turn his head to look at me to see what the hell was happening. It lasted a few seconds, no more than five. It broke his concentration, interrupted his aggression, and when I let him down after firmly and calmly saying, "No. Leave it. NO." (I have to remember not to use his name…)

When I let him down, he sat, seemed to collect himself and when I said "free" he got up and started to walk around the area where we were standing. He sniffed, he marked, he walked by the other dog without acknowledging her and let himself be smelled. There was one more moment that got tense and I immediately popped the collar and he didn’t do anything. After that he relaxed, the tail went down (the entire time his back was up and he had a gay tail) and he even stretched out frog-dog style on the gravel, just lightly panting since it was warm out. No more aggression. He didn’t even give the other dog the time of day.


It was more than I had ever thought.

It wasn’t hurting him, but it was definitely showing him that I was in charge and it was time to pay attention.

I hated choking him with the prong collar, but that was what I had at the time. I am probably going to get a dominant dog collar from The purpose is the same–it’s very snug and you use it to take the air out of the dog.

I know the trainer I worked with mentioned a book about using a clicker to deal with an aggressive dog. The clicker worked just fine for marking basic behavior, but Israel doesn’t listen, doesn’t care about anything when he goes on the attack–least of all about a clicker!

On another note…

Since the meeting went well (Israel doesn’t do well in strange environments and when you mix in lots of barking dogs, thousands upon thousands of smells in one area, hot weather, and strange people you’ve got an extremely nervous and agitated Israel) …. well, the shelter called and said I can adopt Daisy.

I’m picking her up next Thursday. So I have until then to move out, because guess what? I didn’t even mention it to my dad. At all. I’m an asshole, I know. My plan was to be done with the house. And that’s what’s going to happen. As much as I can get done, it’ll be livable, and I’m moving out. I’ll work around it. I refuse to allow it to go undone for long, but I also need to be able to save up some more money to put into the repairs.

It’s not ideal, but neither is living here anymore. It’s just getting worse and worse.

WARPED MIND … People hate the truth. (MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013) …item 2.. Lenny Bruce – The Life and Crimes of … (No Minors Adults Only) …
dog behavior correction

Image by marsmet472
While it is usually more persuasive to be diplomatic rather than offensive, I tend not to care very much if the truth offends people either. Because ignorance is a choice, discerning fact from the false is also a choice, we need to value truth and fact, more than what people like or dislike.


… marsmet472 .. It’s part of the hardwiring of men and it must be controlled.


… “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

― Charles Bukowski


……..*****All images are coyprighted by their respective authors ……..


… marsmet491 photo

the world … FSU News – Coverage of rape evidence a problem — Poppy Harlow waxed on (6:46 PM, Mar. 20, 2013) …item 2a / 2b.. Anonymous 2013 Steubenville Rape Case — What if this was your daughter? (Published on Jan 6, 2013) …


… marsmet523 photo

STEUBENVILLE – "I made it as a joke," Pizzoferrato testified. " (MARCH 17, 2013) …item 2.. Steubenville rape case: — victim had been urinated upon (SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2013, 5:29 PM) …


… marsmet524 photo

"just fine" (August 14, 2012) … Steubenville teens describing how they did NOTHING — Silence: (23 March 2013) …


… marsmet532 photo

Guerrilla Marketing … Letters to the editor (Apr 1, 2013) …item 2.. Former Shelter director Mel Eby felt forced into retirment — Eby, however, feels like a castaway. (Mar 30, 2013) …


… marsmet473a photo …

Decatur, Illinois .. Beloved psychology professor outed as killer who murdered his family as a teen — ‘I feel comfortable with him,’ Grader said. (3 August 2013)


… marsmet473a photostream … Page 1


… marsmet551 photo …

Big Red Football … Who’s in Trouble Next in Steubenville? — The grand jury will convene around April 15. (MAR 18, 2013) …item 2.. Florida State groups bring attention to rape culture (Apr. 10, 2013) …





…..item 1)…. Not all people, not all truth; but too often this is correct. …

… Penigma Blog Spot …

A Penigma – A Mystery, Under A Pseudonym …

A Blog Dedicated To The Rational Discussion of Politics and Current Events …

While it is usually more persuasive to be diplomatic rather than offensive, I tend not to care very much if the truth offends people either. Because ignorance is a choice, discerning fact from the false is also a choice, we need to value truth and fact, more than what people like or dislike.

MONDAY, MAY 13, 2013…



img code photo … People hate the truth. Luckily the truth doesn’t care.…

Larry Winger






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…..item 2)…. youtube video … Lenny Bruce – The Life and Crimes of … … No Minors Adults Only …

… 45:10 minutes …


Published on Sep 18, 2012

A radio documentary made back in 1997. Produced by Steve Shepherd & presented by Charles Shaar Murray. I spent two weeks in San Francisco and New York interviewing Lenny’s friends, lawyers and collaborators, then edited 25 hours of tape (and it was tape) down to around an hour of material and refined it with Charles (who delivered a great script as always). It was well received at the time but had a limited audience with just two airings on Radio 3. Enjoy. Steve Shepherd,




Standard YouTube License


Lenny Bruce died on August 3, 1966.

Leonard Alfred Schneider (October 13, 1925 – August 3, 1966), better known by his stage name Lenny Bruce, was an American stand-up comedian, social critic and satirist.



img code photo … Poster for Lenny Bruce’s last series performances…

Poster for Lenny Bruce’s last series performances, which took place at The Fillmore in San Francisco on June 24 and 25, 1966.










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