Sunday, January 26, 2014

What joint medicine would be best for my dog?

Question by Amber Curcio: What joint medicine would be best for my dog?

My dog is almost 4 years old, keeps limping, and she favors one of her front legs, she lets me look in her paw pads, and also move around her joints on tht leg. She doesn’t seem like she’s in too much pain. Also she doesn’t have any swelling, so I doubt she sprained or broke it. Otherwise she wouldn’t be walking. I concluded tht it’s probably joint problems, and I would like to know what is the best joint medicine I can give her?

Best answer:

Answer by paul
what a great question to ask your vet …..yup your dog health care will cost you money

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What joint medicine would be best for my dog?

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