Monday, January 27, 2014

Next Generation Universal Semen Extender Plain Dose for Dogs and Horses, 150ml

Next Generation Universal Semen Extender Plain Dose for Dogs and Horses, 150ml

  • Unused Portions Can Be Frozen For Future Use
  • No Express Shipping Required
  • Universal Dual Sugar Base

The dual sugar and nonfat dry milk component of this semen extender is recommended for all A.I. purposes. Semen may be cooled for extended storage periods for transport. It may also be used the same day on the farm with or without antibiotics. Kit contains the component parts which, when mixed together, provide 150 ml of extender. Bottle includes special anti-leak foil seal. 150 ml dose includes water and dry components pouch.

Price: $ 13.38

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Next Generation Universal Semen Extender Plain Dose for Dogs and Horses, 150ml

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