Thursday, January 16, 2014

Q&A: What are the signs of hip dysplasia in dogs?

Question by RebeccaO: What are the signs of hip dysplasia in dogs?

I have two chocolate labs, both almost 8 years old. One is fine, as a spring as she was when she was a puppy. The other one I’m really worried about. She limps sometimes and has a very difficult time standing up. She always seems stiff in her hips. Lately she hasn’t been wanting to go outside because I think the cold might aggravate her hips. She usually has a high pain tolerance and today after being outside for a while she was crying because of the pain. I gave her a massage and some baby aspirin and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. That was hours ago and she still hasn’t moved. We tried getting her dog food for mature dogs that helps with bone health and arthritis. The problem is she refuses to eat it. I’ve been meaning to get her vitamins but I’m worried she just might spit them out. Any help?

Best answer:

Answer by Amber
It sounds more like arthritis. Your vet will give you meds for it. Also try adding a small splash of RAW..RAW only, apple cider vinager to the water bowl. It helps amazingly with joint pains. As for pills most dogs will happily take them if you wrap them in cheese. My older great Danes get the pills put in their mouth and held shut till they swallow. The puppy gets hers in hot dog pieces because she freaks when you hold her mouth

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Q&A: What are the signs of hip dysplasia in dogs?

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