Sunday, January 19, 2014

Is diarrhea normal for newly weaned puppies?

Question by Diane: Is diarrhea normal for newly weaned puppies?

Two days ago a young (I think about eight weeks) puppy strayed in to our home, she is a Maltese mix, super cute and a nice friendly personality. We live in a rural area, houses are several acres apart, but have inquired of the neighbors and no one in the near vicinity claims her. I haven’t decided whether to keep her or try to adopt her out, we already have two small dogs, but in the meantime she has had diarrhea since her arrival. Just wondering if that is an indication of a health problem or normal for her age and change in homes. Appreciate any advice.

Best answer:

Answer by Julie D.
Yes, it certainly could be an indication of a health problem, or it could be just because of what she’s been eating. The first two things that come to mind when it come to her health is PARVO, which could kill her if not treated, or intestinal parasites such as Coccidia and/or Giardia. Either way, it would be in the best interest of this puppy to be seen by a Vet TODAY.

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Is diarrhea normal for newly weaned puppies?

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