Thursday, January 2, 2014

In what ways do Bernese Mountain dogs get cancer?

Question by Cyиίcαℓ: In what ways do Bernese Mountain dogs get cancer?

Ive heard they have many health problems how do they get it so easily though?

Best answer:

Answer by Noidea
A quote from Wikipedia which you may have already read:

“Cancer is the leading cause of death for dogs in general, but Berners have a much higher rate of fatal cancer than other breeds. In both USA/Canada and UK surveys, nearly half of Berners died of cancer,[6][7] compared to about 27% of all dogs.[6] Berners are killed by a multitude of different types of cancer, including malignant histiocytosis, mast cell tumor, lymphosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, and osteosarcoma.[7]”

The causes of cell mutation leading to cancer in animals is as vague and unknown as it is in humans. In human cancers we understand the link between smoking and lung cancer, alcohol consumption and liver cancer, but the cause of most cancers are completely unknown. Possibly environmental. Maybe genetic. If we knew what caused the cancer mutation the battle would be mostly won.

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In what ways do Bernese Mountain dogs get cancer?

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