Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How much reward to offer for a lost dog?

Question by abbyful: How much reward to offer for a lost dog?

I hope I never get into this situation, but I wonder: how much reward would you offer for a lost dog? $ 25? $ 100? $ 500?

Do you think too little of a reward would cause people to not bother to return the dog and keep it for themselves? Or too much of a reward would cause them to think that the dog is very valuable and try to sell it?

I tend to think that most people would do the right thing and return the dog regardless, but there are some people that all their eyes see is dollar signs.

Best answer:

Answer by dmg1969
I would almost have to be in the situation. One thought would be to advertise “reward offered” and not be specific about the amount.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How much reward to offer for a lost dog?

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