Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can you use photos of abused animals in adverts?

Question by Simon: Can you use photos of abused animals in adverts?

I am doing some research for a school project and need to know if (in the UK) there are any laws which mean photos of sad looking animals in adverts have been cast, or if they are genuine?

I have seen a lot of RSPCA and Dogs Trust adverts recently and I wanted to know if these adverts contained pictures of dogs who had been mistreated or if they were photos of dogs in sets who had been specifically cast for the part.

Thanks in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by Nicholas72611
No you can’t if you do PETA will take a mixture of horse semen and pig blood and ruin your clothes.

What do you think? Answer below!

Can you use photos of abused animals in adverts?

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