Sunday, December 22, 2013

Why is my rescue dog so afraid of me?

Question by Pure Skill: Why is my rescue dog so afraid of me?

My family and i just got a new male puppy from a rescue two days ago. he spent 3 days on a loud crowded dog transport. soo when i go to pet him his tail goes between his legs and he runs away. i never did anything to hurt him. i give him treats and play with him and walk him but nothing seems to work. so y does he just not like me.

please give me info on how to get him to like me.

Best answer:

Answer by Nip
Sounds like this little one has been so badly treated before , he’s too scared to let anyone near him. Try and keep things calm for a while. He won;t want to play a lot. The best thing at first is to get him to trust you. You must be very gentle and kind and take things at HIS pace. He will probably come round in his own time. Don’t forget, he’s had a lot of bad experiences…he just needs loving.

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Why is my rescue dog so afraid of me?

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