Tuesday, December 3, 2013

what is the best joint health dog food?

Question by Ang0909: what is the best joint health dog food?

I have a bichon that has knee problems and I have talked to my vet a little bit about it. She told me to try joint health dog food. But, I’m not sure what is the best kind out there. I know I should just call my vet, but, I’m worried she’d just sell me what they have in the office and I know that it is really expensive.

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah M
Sounds like some kind of Science diet scam food thing to me. Your vet is getting kickbacks from Science Diet for recommending food like this. If you need to switch your dog’s food to improve overall health, consider switching to a high-quality grain-free food. And it would be cheaper than anything Science Diet makes.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

what is the best joint health dog food?

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