Monday, December 2, 2013

Is it worse to eat dogs/cats than it is to eat cows/pigs/fish/chicken?

Question by I am a 30 y/o male: Is it worse to eat dogs/cats than it is to eat cows/pigs/fish/chicken?

I think so, and want to know if most people agree with me. Some people try to defend dog/cat-eating (which is common in certain Eastern countries) by saying that animals are animals, and eating one is not worse than eating another. I disagree because dogs and cats have been domesticated for so many years.

Best answer:

Answer by Ego
I won’t judge from a cultural perspective, but do offer this observation: Dogs and cats are carnivores and natural predators. They are high on the food chain, generally not preyed upon. This makes them less likely foodstuff.

Cows, pigs and chickens are herbivores and low on the food chain. You could say that they are “made to be eaten”. After all, humans aren’t the only ones eating them. All predators eat them.

From the social perspective, there’s also a difference: Dogs and cats were not domesticated for food. They enjoy a symbiotic relationship with humans. Cows, pigs and chickens, on the other hand, are the product of thousands of years of animal husbandry and designed to be our food.

Fish, don’t fit the mold because they may be predators in their environment, yet we eat them. However, fish are cold-blooded animals from a different world than us and the mammals we eat, so I think we need to look at them differently.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Is it worse to eat dogs/cats than it is to eat cows/pigs/fish/chicken?

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