Monday, December 23, 2013

How to ease dry skin on puppy?

Question by wolfgaurdian101: How to ease dry skin on puppy?

I found a puppy in my yard poor thing, anyway she is scratching real bad ( flakes of skin are falling off like a bad case of dandril } We were told that it was not mange just severe dry skin. But the poor thing is scratching so bad. We were told that she is Chow/Lab mix. Any suggerstions would be nice. We’re not rich people so any home remedies or over the counter help prefered. I was told to try an put a raw egg in her food once a week, will this help?

Best answer:

Answer by Bri★
A raw egg is really for her coat, but it might help.

You should go to your local store and get some moisturizing puppy shampoo. They have shampoo for dry skin and dandruff, but you’ll have to read the directions because you don’t want to bathe her to much to make it worse, but you’ll need to use it more than regular. My dog will sometimes have dry skin on her belly, and I put baby lotion on her stomach for about a hour, and watch to make sure she doesn’t lick it off, then I give her a bath, it helps alot. If this doesn’t help, I really think taking her to the vet would be good :)

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How to ease dry skin on puppy?

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