Friday, October 18, 2013

Q&A: What age can birds dogs cats and horses breed? How long do you have to wait in between breeding them, and...?

Question by Samantha: What age can birds dogs cats and horses breed? How long do you have to wait in between breeding them, and…?

So, on another website, I have a roleplay group, and it is based on the perspective of an animal breeder who breeds birds, dogs, cats, and horses. I would like to know, some actualy information about it though to make it a bit more realistic. I know a bit about dog and cat breeding, but there is more I would like to know.

So, here is what I want to know specifically:

What ages can they be bred? (As in not when they are fertile, but when they should be bred and are old enough to handle it)

What is the average amount of offspring of the species? (I know some differ with breeds)

How long should you wait in between each time you breed each of them?

Also, I hope i don’t come across as those people who try to purposely breed their pets for no reason, and try to use an excuse to know this stuff. I am not even an adult, and my family have 11 dogs and 2 cats and they are all spayed and neutered, so I am not trying to figure this out for that reason. Also I don’t own any horses or birds.

Best answer:

Answer by Scottie Mom
Birds that’s going to vary by the type of bird,for example budgies should be bred at 18 months.Its the same with offspring some only have 1 or 2 and others can have 15 or more.The time between breedings will also vary some say 1 months others say 6 months.

Dogs should be bred between the ages of 2-5 so you can do all health testing and you have a dog who hopefully at this point proven themselves worthy of being bred by being either a working or conformation Champion.Small breeds tend to have 1-4 pups,but larger breeds usually have 8-12 pups.You should wait a year in between breedings.

Cats are the same as dogs with breeding age and they should also be proven in the show ring and to get any health testing done for that particular breed.Litter size can be anything from 1-12.You should wait a year to breed them again.

Horses can be bred as early as two,but really shouldn’t be bred until they are 7 or 8 when they have proven they are breeding quality in the show ring.At this age they are also mature enough to handle foaling both mentally and physically.Horses only have 1 foal twins occur as well,but its not safe for a mare to deliver them.Most breeding places breed back to back,but like dogs and cats you should wait a year.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: What age can birds dogs cats and horses breed? How long do you have to wait in between breeding them, and...?

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