Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How should I approach telling someone to take better care of their dog?

Question by Ama: How should I approach telling someone to take better care of their dog?

Without them getting defensive about it?

My younger brother has a chihuahua. He got her spayed and she’s UTD on vaccinations so he isn’t bad on that part. But it’s more of the living conditions the dog is kept in. My younger brother refuses to use pads-but he also doesn’t take the dog out. So there is urine/feces all over his room where the dog is kept in. The room is really, really messy. You cannot even see the floor. He lives with my parents and my mom has to constantly go into the room to make sure the dog has water and food-there’s been times that she goes in there and the dog doesn’t have either. The dog has to stay in the room because my parents have a larger dog who has free reign of the house(aside from a few hours every day when the dogs are rotated) and the larger dog has a very high prey drive. Aside from that when my brother isn’t working he’s just sleeping/eating/sitting around the house. He doesn’t take the dog out for walks or anything.

The only time he really takes her out is when he wants to show her to his friends/take her over to their house. Which isn’t often.

(Thankfully the dog isn’t ill behaved, she’s a well tempered/balanced dog.)

My mom doesn’t want to say anything but is disgusted every time she goes into his room. How can I tell him to be cleaner(keep his room clean-not only for the dog but also for his own health) and also make sure the dog has food/water and to actually take her outside and give her exercise without being rude/making it so he gets offended?

He has a really, really short temper so I’m not sure how to approach it without having him go psycho.

My brother is 19. He got the dog when he was 18(even though I said he isn’t responsible enough to own the dog-he made up this sob story that no one wanted her because she was the runt and the breeders couldn’t keep her and would surrender her to a shelter if she didn’t find a home. The story convinced my parents and they let him get it.)

My mother is in a tough position right now and she just doesn’t want to deal with the drama/stress of confronting my brother/dealing with him(My mom works 60+ hours a week, because my father cannot work-he has bone cancer and is in bad health otherwise).

I really don’t like dealing with my brother either because he’s short tempered and aggressive/mean.

My parents are too light hearted to get rid of the dog-The dog they currently have(a shih-tzu) was originally my younger brothers and they took her when he didn’t want her anymore(with her he didn’t have her spayed/vaccinated at all-she was in terrible condition when

**continuing** my parents took her in).

If I even bring up my brother surrendering the dog to a rescue my parents(mainly my father) say I’m cold hearted(he said this too when I originally said I don’t think my brother should get the dog).

I’ll try talking to my mother about it again, for her to give my brother a time limit to have the room cleaned and keep it clean.

Best answer:

Answer by stacey
Ring the rspca . Or any animal welfare company even the police

Add your own answer in the comments!

How should I approach telling someone to take better care of their dog?

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