Thursday, October 24, 2013

What specifically were the qualities that made you choose your dog?

Question by Divapom: What specifically were the qualities that made you choose your dog?

That dog or dogs that you owned that was or is Truly special. I know that they are all special in their own way. But I am talking about those that were really perfect. What was it that made you choose that one. and what was it that made him/her perfect.

Also, what was it that made you choose a dog that didn’t turn out so well for you?

Did you learn anything in choosing dogs for yourself?

If so, what would you advise to someone about to choose a dog to look for?

Best answer:

Answer by NemmaLie
I have two dogs – both from the shelter – and here are the reasons we have them:

Sophie (I picked out) – She was a very people oriented puppy; LOVED to just snuggle with you yet was very curious about her surroundings at the same time. She was active, funny, cute, and smart all at the same time – and still is!

Lily (my mom picked out) – All my mom said about the reason she picked Lily was that she was energetic, eager to please, and loved to just look at you so contently. Thats all she said.

Give your answer to this question below!

What specifically were the qualities that made you choose your dog?

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