Thursday, October 24, 2013

Q&A: How to take care of a severe ant infestation on Nectarine tree?

Question by Mishka: How to take care of a severe ant infestation on Nectarine tree?

I looked around online and seen different techniques but a lot don’t work. Recently we had to redo our watering system for all our trees to help them survive the vicious desert heat and noticed a large swarm around our nectarine. It was such a large swarm we swore the bark of the tree was moving. They were on our pears, lemons, and apple trees but none were as bad as the nectarine so we sprayed a border and poured some cedar to rid the widows. The number of ants decreased on most trees but the nectarine. With a large swarm we tried to follow it to the hill but noticed they were crawling out of the entire wall. We sprayed one crack they came out of another and another. We spray the top of the trees for all fruit eating pests so we can’t find out what they are after other than the finch and hummingbird nests. Is there a safe way to get rid of them that won’t affect the fruits, dogs, cats, and health of the general trees and grape vines.

Best answer:

Answer by Geniaus5
you could try diatamaceous earth route. sprinkle some where they cross.

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: How to take care of a severe ant infestation on Nectarine tree?

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