Friday, October 11, 2013

How long does it take to adopt a rescue dog?

Question by Julie: How long does it take to adopt a rescue dog?

It’s very frustrating I really want to adopt a rescue dog but it’s so many applications and sometimes the places don’t get back to you. Does anyone have any experience with a adopting a rescue dog?

Best answer:

Answer by scoutma53
The application forms are very thorough because they don’t want the dog to be rejected again. Many delays are caused if the person is in rented accommodation: the shelter may be contacting the landlord to see if dogs are allowed.

I have adopted several over the years and yes it’s always the third degree. Stick with it! – unless pets are not allowed, in which case you’ll have to wait till you own your own home.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How long does it take to adopt a rescue dog?

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