Sunday, February 2, 2014

Keeping a dog home all day?

Question by Nicole: Keeping a dog home all day?

Im getting a Shih Tzu [most likely] July 2nd.

I will have till early Septemeber to be with it all day, every day.

But then when Septemeber comes, im off to college, same with my brother. And my parents will be working.

I will be gone from about 8am-3pm every day.

My brother will drop home occasionly through out the day. But he will not let the dog out, he hates dogs and the dog is mainly just for me. I will be its ‘master’.

I know all there is to know about this breed, and how to train it.

Im just worried about leaving it alone through out the day, I will leave on the radio, or the tv. And i own a cat.

But the dog will be in a crate, i will leave water and toys and a chew toy with something like peanut butter inside.

Please dont tell me I cant get a dog.

Because its not like i wont care for it, and your hatred oppion isnt going to be needed.

I will still get a dog, I just need help with this sort’ve thing.

Also i owned an Aulstralian Cattle dog, and she was in her crate all day untill i came home and walked her, and played with her. Sometimes she had accidents, and she cried a bit. But she was very happy to see me walk through the doors when I got home.


I cannot wait untill im finished school, because Ive been waiting so long to finally beable to afford a puppy.

Plus im not done school for another 4 years.

Best answer:

Answer by Les
Just to see this through your eyes:

You will be able to spend ALL day EVERY day with a new pooch, until September when you suddenly disappear and the dog never gets to see you?

Understandably, your cattle dog was happy to see you when you came home after her being in a crate all day. Of COURSE she was happy to see you. It’s kind of like when you worry about someone because they drove off in a hurry, and you call and call, and they never answer, and you worry that they will NEVER come back. You do this for hours, and you cry your eyes out, and then FINALLY, they come through the door… OF COURSE SHE WAS HAPPY!

Think of the dog’s reality, not yours. Why not wait until you are finished with school?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Keeping a dog home all day?

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