Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rottweiler dog kennels Nashville Tennessee - Rottweiler breeders in TN - Rottweiler puppies

Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent

Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent

  • Handheld dog deterrent device
  • Uses the latest in ultrasonic technology
  • Harmless to pets
  • Works up to twenty feet
  • Low battery indicator and belt clip

Using the latest ultrasonic technology, the DAZER produces a discomforting but not harmful high frequency sound audible to dogs but not to humans. Help stop the approach of unfriendly, aggressive dogs as far away as twenty feet. Great for joggers, walkers, meter readers, bicyclists, police, home inspectors, and fire or rescue teams. It can also be used for cats at distances up to forty feet. Made of lightweight high impact plastic that includes a belt clip, low battery indicator and the 9V e

List Price: $ 29.95

Price: $ 29.95

Dog Dazer II Ultrasonic Dog Deterrent

What is you're dogs name?

Question by Kalla: What is you’re dogs name?

BQ: How do you feel about giving a dog a human name?

Best answer:

Answer by ƦЄƛԼƖƬƳ ƁƖƬЄS™ – ᴘɪᴛ ʙᴜʟʟ Sᴄʜᴏʟᴀʀ
My dogs name is Boss, and my other dogs name is Micro, I don’t know any humans with these names, and Boss is a title, not an actual name, so there’s no feeling about how or why I named my dog any “human names”.

My boyfriends dog is named Tru, and I’ve never honestly asked him for an answer as to why he named his dog Tru.

Give your answer to this question below!

What is you're dogs name?

Melissa & Doug Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Plush Reviews

Melissa & Doug Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Plush

  • Soft and furry, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel deserves a royal family like yours - A preferred pooch of British royalty
  • The distinguished breeding of this lifelike canine shows in its excellent quality construction and attention to lifelike details
  • Ideal for dog-lovers of all ages
  • They're sure to be family favorites for dog years to come
  • Exceptional quality and value

Melissa & Doug Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Plush

List Price: $ 34.99

Price: $ 18.99

Tough Love

Price: $ 1.99

Melissa & Doug Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in Plush Reviews

Fur-Ever Home The Animal Rescue Game

Fur-Ever Home The Animal Rescue Game

  • Fun, intuitive game play
  • Family friendly
  • Educational - Teaches important money and inventory management skills and compassion towards animals
  • Made in the USA
  • Winner of the 2012 Creative Child Family Board Game Award in the Socially Conscious Category

Join the fun of running your own animal rescue business in Fur-Ever Home, Animal Rescue Game! As a player in this fun game, you take in, care for, and adopt out adorable dogs and cats to loving homes. The player to place the most pets is the winner. Are you ready to come to their rescue?

List Price: $ 29.99

Price: $ 26.97

Related Dog Adoption Products

Fur-Ever Home The Animal Rescue Game

Why have some breeders bred a dog to health problems ?

Question by Wolf~lover xxx: Why have some breeders bred a dog to health problems ?

Im not sure if I have picked the right title for my question but anyway…

Its like the german shepherd they have leg problems

and them sausage dogs get back problems with such large backs. I saw a domumenty once on show breeders, and how some inbreed there dogs, what they call trying to make the breeder ‘better’ when all they our doing is making health problems am i right ?

Its like how can you possible say these dogs look healthy ?$ file/small_Crufts-2008-CcBos-Winner-Available-For-Stud-1590.jpg

golden retrievers prone to cancer, labradors with joint and eye problems, West Highland terriers beset with allergies and boxers at high risk of heart disease, epilepsy and cancer.

Pugs are so inbred that although there are 10,000 in Britain, their DNA could come from just 50.

The Pekingese’s squashed face causes breathing difficulties that lead to some airlines refusing to fly them. another person who bred problems into utonagans and huskys.

The woman was a husky breeder not a utonagan breeder, but seeing as utonagans were bred on the behalf of huskys it bred the deseise into utonagans.

She had around 60 huskys and got a asbo for the barking and loud noises, and now breeders breed utonagans on the behalf of her

Nah i saw it on the front of a news paper artical im trying to look for it now look here its huskys

Best answer:

Answer by Harlee- Come un lampo de vida
No, your’e wrong. Those are a one-sided example of the breed. There was many problems with that BBC special, mind you. Just because they show doesn’t mean they are evil people who breed for wealth and fame. It showed GSDs that couldn’t walk, and I have never in all my life seen that. I went to a GSD show once and was glad to see less arch-backs and more dogs with straighter backs. The video was also from England, where it takes months and fortunes to get an imported dog because of their quarintine laws. They bred dogs that way because they are Back yard breeders. Show dogs are *not* mutants, unlike that terribly one sided video says.

ADD: same person…and its bred problems into “utonagons”, not huskies. aDD: errr. I read “utonagons” not huskies. ADD: I just read the entire thing, I saw utonagons. And anyways the only people who would use huskies from those lines are BYBs(utonagon breeders). ADD: but utonagon breeders used the BYB husies as their stock. It also says “info from the utonagon society” If it was a legit husky breeder why would the “utonagon society” have info about it? lol I can’t argue with the solid proof you’ve got!

What do you think? Answer below!

Why have some breeders bred a dog to health problems ?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jack Russell Terrier jumping in the pool

(064) Chobe National Park, Botswana. Impala. (Impala o gazzella)

Check out these dog territorial behavior images:

(064) Chobe National Park, Botswana. Impala. (Impala o gazzella)
dog territorial behavior

Image by (Paolo)
From Wikipedia:

"The impala is a medium-sized African antelope. Its height ranges between 75 and 95 cm (30 and 37 in) and it weighs between 40 and 60 kg (88 and 130 lb). The name impala comes from the Zulu language meaning "gazelle".

Only the male, referred to as the ram, has lyre-shaped horns, which can reach up to 45–92 cm (18–36 in) in length. The female, referred to as the ewe, lacks horns. Both have distinctive black and white stripes running down the rump and tail.

While it stays near water in the dry season, it can go weeks without drinking if enough green fodder is available. The impala is an adaptable forager. It usually switches between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are fresh, it grazes. During dry seasons, it browses foliage, shoots, forbs, and seeds.

Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on the impala.

Females and young form herds of up to 200 individuals. When food is plentiful, adult males will establish territories. Females pass through the territories with the best food resources. Territorial males round up any female herds that enter their grounds, and will chase away bachelor males that follow. They will even chase away recently weaned males. A male impala tries to prevent any female from leaving his territory. During the dry seasons, territories are abandoned, as herds must travel farther to find food. Large, mixed tranquil herds of females and males form. Young male impalas which have been made to leave their previous herd form bachelor herds of around 30 individuals. Males that are able to dominate their herd are contenders for assuming control of a territory.

When frightened or startled, the whole herd starts leaping about to confuse their predator. Able to jump distances of more than 10 m (33 ft) and 3 m (9 ft) into the air, threatened impalas will explode in a magnificent spectacle of leaping. Sometimes this is done with the animals holding their leg stiffly and the neck arched downwards, a behaviour known as stotting or pronking. The impala can reach running speeds in a zig-zag of about 60 km/h (37 mph) on average with the peak on 80 km/h (50 mph), to escape its predators. When escaping from predators, it can release a scent from glands on its heels, which can help it stay with the group. This is done by performing a high kick of its hind legs."


(Da Wikipedia:

"L’impala, o gazzella, è un’antilope africana di media taglia. La sua altezza varia da 75 a 95 cm e pesa da 40 a 60 kg. Il nome "impala" deriva dalla lingua zulù e significa "gazzella".

Solo il maschio, a cui ci si riferisce come il "montone", ha corna a forma di lira, che possono raggiungere i 45-92 cm di lunghezza. La femmina, a cui ci si riferisce come "pecora", non ha le corna. Entrambi hanno strisce distintive nere e bianche che corrono giù dalla groppa e sulla coda.

Nella stagione secca l’impala rimane vicino all’acqua, ma può anche stare settimane senza bere, se è disponibile abbastanza foraggio. L’impala si adatta bene al foraggio. Di solito alterna pascolo e pastura a seconda della stagione. Nella stagione umida, quando l’erba è fresca, pascola, in quella secca pastura foglie, germogli, girasoli e semi.

I leopardi, i ghepardi, i leoni ed i cani selvatici cacciano gli impala.

Le femmine e i giovani formano greggi fino a 200 individui. Quando c’è abbondanza di cibo, i maschi adulti demarcano il territorio; le femmine vanno nei territori che hanno le migliori risorse di cibo; i maschi territoriali riuniscono tutti i greggi di femmine che entrano nel loro territorio e ne scacciano i maschi adolescenti. Scacciano persino i maschi appena svezzati. Un impala maschio tenta di prevenire che qualsiasi femmina lasci il suo territorio. Durante la stagione secca i territori vengono abbandonati, ed i greggi devono viaggiare più lontano per trovare il cibo. Si formano greggi grandi e tranquilli di femmine e maschi. Gli impala maschi giovani che sono stati scacciati dal loro precedente gregge formano greggi di "scapoli" di circa 30 individui. I maschi in grado di dominare il gregge divengono contendenti per assumere il controllo di un territorio.

Quando è spaventato o allarmato, l’intero gregge comincia a saltare per confondere i predatori. Capaci di saltare per più di 10 m in lunghezza e 3 m in altezza, gli impala spaventati esplodono in uno stupendo spettacolo di salti. Talvolta ciò viene fatto con gli animali che tengono le gambe allungate ed il collo arcuato all’ingiù, un comportamento noto come "stotting" o "pronking". Per sfuggire ai predatori, gli impala possono raggiungere velocità di corsa a zig-zag di circa 60 km orari medi, con picchi di 80 km/h. Quando scappano dai predatori possono emettere un profumo da ghiandole situate sui talloni, il che può aiutare a stare insieme al gruppo. Ciò viene fatto scalciando in alto con le zampe posteriori.")

Attack of the Killer Seagulls 2
dog territorial behavior

Image by ztephen
Stephen foolishly goes the same way after the previous experience. Dog thinks it’s an excellent laugh

(159) Kruger National Park, South Africa. Impala herd. (Gregge di impala)
dog territorial behavior

Image by (Paolo)
From Wikipedia:

"The impala is a medium-sized African antelope. Its height ranges between 75 and 95 cm (30 and 37 in) and it weighs between 40 and 60 kg (88 and 130 lb). The name impala comes from the Zulu language meaning "gazelle".

Only the male, referred to as the ram, has lyre-shaped horns, which can reach up to 45–92 cm (18–36 in) in length. The female, referred to as the ewe, lacks horns. Both have distinctive black and white stripes running down the rump and tail.

While it stays near water in the dry season, it can go weeks without drinking if enough green fodder is available. The impala is an adaptable forager. It usually switches between grazing and browsing depending on the season. During wet seasons when grasses are fresh, it grazes. During dry seasons, it browses foliage, shoots, forbs, and seeds.

Leopards, cheetahs, lions and wild dogs prey on the impala.

Females and young form herds of up to 200 individuals. When food is plentiful, adult males will establish territories. Females pass through the territories with the best food resources. Territorial males round up any female herds that enter their grounds, and will chase away bachelor males that follow. They will even chase away recently weaned males. A male impala tries to prevent any female from leaving his territory. During the dry seasons, territories are abandoned, as herds must travel farther to find food. Large, mixed tranquil herds of females and males form. Young male impalas which have been made to leave their previous herd form bachelor herds of around 30 individuals. Males that are able to dominate their herd are contenders for assuming control of a territory.

When frightened or startled, the whole herd starts leaping about to confuse their predator. Able to jump distances of more than 10 m (33 ft) and 3 m (9 ft) into the air, threatened impalas will explode in a magnificent spectacle of leaping. Sometimes this is done with the animals holding their leg stiffly and the neck arched downwards, a behaviour known as stotting or pronking. The impala can reach running speeds in a zig-zag of about 60 km/h (37 mph) on average with the peak on 80 km/h (50 mph), to escape its predators. When escaping from predators, it can release a scent from glands on its heels, which can help it stay with the group. This is done by performing a high kick of its hind legs."


(Da Wikipedia:

"L’impala, o gazzella, è un’antilope africana di media taglia. La sua altezza varia da 75 a 95 cm e pesa da 40 a 60 kg. Il nome "impala" deriva dalla lingua zulù e significa "gazzella".

Solo il maschio, a cui ci si riferisce come il "montone", ha corna a forma di lira, che possono raggiungere i 45-92 cm di lunghezza. La femmina, a cui ci si riferisce come "pecora", non ha le corna. Entrambi hanno strisce distintive nere e bianche che corrono giù dalla groppa e sulla coda.

Nella stagione secca l’impala rimane vicino all’acqua, ma può anche stare settimane senza bere, se è disponibile abbastanza foraggio. L’impala si adatta bene al foraggio. Di solito alterna pascolo e pastura a seconda della stagione. Nella stagione umida, quando l’erba è fresca, pascola, in quella secca pastura foglie, germogli, girasoli e semi.

I leopardi, i ghepardi, i leoni ed i cani selvatici cacciano gli impala.

Le femmine e i giovani formano greggi fino a 200 individui. Quando c’è abbondanza di cibo, i maschi adulti demarcano il territorio; le femmine vanno nei territori che hanno le migliori risorse di cibo; i maschi territoriali riuniscono tutti i greggi di femmine che entrano nel loro territorio e ne scacciano i maschi adolescenti. Scacciano persino i maschi appena svezzati. Un impala maschio tenta di prevenire che qualsiasi femmina lasci il suo territorio. Durante la stagione secca i territori vengono abbandonati, ed i greggi devono viaggiare più lontano per trovare il cibo. Si formano greggi grandi e tranquilli di femmine e maschi. Gli impala maschi giovani che sono stati scacciati dal loro precedente gregge formano greggi di "scapoli" di circa 30 individui. I maschi in grado di dominare il gregge divengono contendenti per assumere il controllo di un territorio.

Quando è spaventato o allarmato, l’intero gregge comincia a saltare per confondere i predatori. Capaci di saltare per più di 10 m in lunghezza e 3 m in altezza, gli impala spaventati esplodono in uno stupendo spettacolo di salti. Talvolta ciò viene fatto con gli animali che tengono le gambe allungate ed il collo arcuato all’ingiù, un comportamento noto come "stotting" o "pronking". Per sfuggire ai predatori, gli impala possono raggiungere velocità di corsa a zig-zag di circa 60 km orari medi, con picchi di 80 km/h. Quando scappano dai predatori possono emettere un profumo da ghiandole situate sui talloni, il che può aiutare a stare insieme al gruppo. Ciò viene fatto scalciando in alto con le zampe posteriori.")

(064) Chobe National Park, Botswana. Impala. (Impala o gazzella)

Q&A: Petsmart or Petco dog adoption?

Question by pushymushycakes: Petsmart or Petco dog adoption?

So some people say october is dog adoption month. I really want a dog! And adopting is better! So can someone give me details about petsmart or petco dog adoptions? Thank you all!

Best answer:

Answer by Nessy
Petsmart I believe is able to actually keep animals at the location and do the adoptions right there. If you go on any given day, there will probably be something available. Petco will host adoption events for local rescues, but they only occur on certain days, usually over the weekend. You deal with the rescue directly, Petco isn’t involved.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: Petsmart or Petco dog adoption?

Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Max Results Pet Training Package, Large Reviews

Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Max Results Pet Training Package, Large

  • The Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog DVDs
  • Command Collar device with extra links and Freedom Line set of light weight training leads
  • Proprietary fetch ball that helps teach and reinforce key commands like come, sit and stay
  • A pair of 100% leather gloves to add strength to your grip and protect your hands
  • A set of Don's brand new Field Training Cards that offers easy to follow training reminders

A Novel Design Based on Nature's Approach “Definitely Happy… Finally A Product That Works” and "This collar is awesome!" Over 300,000 systems have been sold worldwide. Real and unbiased Four and Five Star users reviews don't lie. The Perfect Dog system helps dog owners transform their relationships with their pets over and over again. With the Maximum Results package everything you need to do the same comes in the box. Included are the DVDs, the Command Collar, three differe

List Price: $ 99.90

Price: $ 93.55

More Dog Behaviour Products

Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Max Results Pet Training Package, Large Reviews

Dog Adopts Chicks | The Animal Rescue Site Blog

Dog Adopts Chicks. When baby chicks showed up in Bailey's yard without a mother, she took it upon herself to give these chicks a mother figure. See the cute little family below.

Dog Adopts Chicks | The Animal Rescue Site Blog

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cesar Millan - White German Shepherd Dog

Disclaimer: This Video is not intended to infringe copyright but only to share the Information. CM Rules!

Cesar Millan - White German Shepherd Dog

Home survives inferno but Charlie Maddaluno loses his beloved dogs

Charlie Maddaluno lost several dogs in the sheds while he wasn't home. Source: News Limited. A TERRIFYING blaze came within metres of Charlie Maddaluno's Morwell house on Sunday, killing four of his dogs and ravaging a number of his sheds.

Home survives inferno but Charlie Maddaluno loses his beloved dogs

Millie: Female Kelpie x, 10wks NSW | Australian Working Dog Rescue

She's a beautiful happy-go-lucky puppy who would make a wonderful companion for life. She is confident, sensitive, smart & social. Millie has fitted it very easily to her foster carer's home and has been no trouble. She sleeps 

Millie: Female Kelpie x, 10wks NSW | Australian Working Dog Rescue

Lost Dog

Lost Dog

Peter McKrall is at a crossroads-out of work, fighting a klepto habit, and trying to figure out his next move. Life takes an unexpected turn when a search for his niece's stuffed dog leads him to something else entirely: a bullet-riddled corpse. Talking to reporters lands Peter on the local news, which turns out to be a dangerous spotlight. And now Darla, the troubled daughter of the victim, is reaching out to him-but can she be trusted? When a second murder takes place and evidence is planted i

List Price: $ 13.95

Price: $ 5.95

Lost Dog

devon+ - Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue

devn is a really beautiful wheaten/tibetan mix, he is approx 1 year old and 35 lbs, he is very sweet bur can be easily scared and we would not recommend him for anyone with children under 10 yrs of age,he.

devon+ - Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue

Sunday, February 9, 2014

clementine - Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue

sweet clementine is approx 3 yrs old and 16 lbs and is just a precious little dog, she looks like a poodle/border terrier mix or schooner mix, she is very quiet and well behaved, likes to spend her days playing with the other 

clementine - Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue

Is there nappies for dogs?

Question by : Is there nappies for dogs?

Best answer:

Answer by Silver
I think no.but you can train him.

What do you think? Answer below!

Is there nappies for dogs?

Customized Military Dog Tags

Customized Military Dog Tags

  • Two silencers your choice of colors 22 to choose from, 1 27" & 1 4.5" chain
  • Available text: A - Z, O - 9, Symbols @ # & ( ) - + / . , : '
  • 15 spaces each line, 5 lines total
  • ***SEND us a message through Amazon to customize your tag.***

Each tag can have different information just follow the format below. line 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 line 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 line 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 line 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 line 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 Thank You USA DOG TAGS

List Price: $ 10.00

Price: $ 0.21

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Customized Military Dog Tags

Adoptathon!! Saturday Feb 15th, 2014 Okotoks Pet Valu 11:00 am to …

Many of our dogs looking to find there fur-ever homes will be present and we will have adoption and foster forms available. We will also be selling our raffle tickets and have volunteers on site to answer any questions you may 

Adoptathon!! Saturday Feb 15th, 2014 Okotoks Pet Valu 11:00 am to …

Leo Papillon dog, heelwork to music 2010.wmv

SAS vow to recapture Army dog snatched by Taliban in shoot-out ...

ELITE British special forces have an unusual mission – to rescue or negotiate the release of a military dog snatched by the Taliban.

SAS vow to recapture Army dog snatched by Taliban in shoot-out ...

Dog food, what's best in this case?

Question by Kia Koala Victorino (8): Dog food, what’s best in this case?

I know the “what dog food is best” question has been asked to death, but until Yahoo starts letting me exchange my points for ice cream or something, I might as well use them ;)

My BF has a 6 year old golden retriever. He currently feeds her the Rachel Ray dry dog food. I have limited knowledge about dog foods, but I see all that corn and soy crap in there and I can see its not a great food. The dog is overweight, and has some tummy issues (gas, diarrhea, vomiting) from time to time. I am looking for recommendations on a good food to get for her, whatever is best and will help her health out the most. She has had vet check ups, he is VERY good about getting her care whenever she needs, but I want to see her on a healthier food. Any advice is welcome, thank you so much :)

Lizard, I agree that raw is best, but its not really an option for him. I am looking more for if wet would be better in this situation, or dry, or a combination. Thanks lots for most of the input so far :)

Best answer:

Answer by Lizard
Raw Feed the dog. Thats what i do. It’s so healthy for the dog bc the meat gives her protein and the the bone gives her calcium. I also noticted it made my dogs teeth whiter.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Dog food, what's best in this case?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

So Mutts to Love! 5 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog

There are many things to consider when deciding to open your home to a dog. Does it matter whether the dog is a pure breed, or would a mutt (combination of two or more breeds) be alright? Is age a factor? There are thousands of amazing 

So Mutts to Love! 5 Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Dog

Heirloom Finds Puppy Dog Paw Print with Hearts Rescue Adoption Dangle Pin Reviews

Heirloom Finds Puppy Dog Paw Print with Hearts Rescue Adoption Dangle Pin

  • Pin measures .75" in height and width
  • Sweet pewter puppy with gold tone halo and angel wings
  • Perfect for any pet lover or rescuer
  • Made in the USA
  • Makes a great gift! Arrives gift boxed!

There is nothing sweeter than puppy love. This adorable pewter pin features a cute angelic puppy dog with a gold tone halo and angel wings. Perfect for any dog lover or rescue worker. This jewelry is made in the USA! Pin measures .75" in height and width.

Price: $ 14.99

Heirloom Finds Puppy Dog Paw Print with Hearts Rescue Adoption Dangle Pin Reviews

HONY Spotlights Pet Adoption – Global Animal

(PET ADOPTION/PUPPIES/DOGS) HONY's Brandon Stanton supports his girlfriend's start-up pet adoption company, Susie's Senior Dogs to raise awareness and educate.

HONY Spotlights Pet Adoption – Global Animal

How To Choose a Puppy: Tips on How to Pick a Puppy

Exorcised little wooden room, pink window curtain, transparent panel, closet, square of light, chairs, Rosie at the door (she won't come in), Red House, Seattle, Washington, USA

Some cool dog behavior scratching images:

Exorcised little wooden room, pink window curtain, transparent panel, closet, square of light, chairs, Rosie at the door (she won’t come in), Red House, Seattle, Washington, USA
dog behavior scratching

Image by Wonderlane
Laura created a small shrine with a blessed statue in the little box like wooden room – she sat in front of a small portable table and began the clearing and offering prayers to ask the troublesome spirit to roll on, or communicate and get it to recognize less disturbing options.

Nobody had asked her to perform the ritual with bell and religious scepter, just one day after a series of unfortunate events and bad dreams she asked her peachy faced roommate if anyone was known to practice magic in the house. Yes, sadly she was told, that was why the prior roommates, a gay couple, had to move on. Applying for the cozy little room Goths wearing all black clothes moved in and did black magic rituals there, including such delights as peeing on the walls.

The women tried everything to get rid of these unwelcome pests – roommates with their rhythmic midnight chants dutifully doing the devils work. Finally sick of the bad feelings the once happy lesbian couple moved out to their own more organic rhythms – a farm instead. Curiously the new farmers in the dell left behind their white pet rabbit in an enormous gamey smelling cage which dominated the dining room from one full moon to the next.

Among the most recent people to live in the room included a thin dark haired young woman. After a nasty New Year’s Eve party at her boyfriend’s house he moved into her small room without signing a contract or making any agreement. His reason was the scar now tearing his face. The police had also attended that party when his roommate attacked him unprovoked and he ran screaming from their house — his face decorated with 3 deep bloody gouges in his left cheek. He was a big guy – he was covered with scratches on his neck and chest – he said his roommate simply went mad and attacked him biting his nose, scratching and tearing through his clothes with her long false fingernails.

The young couple soon moved out due to embarrassment over their own behavior citing the lack of space in the tiny room. The dark haired girl turned on Laura in a similar way – one morning this roommate began hurling insults as they prepared breakfast side by side in the kitchen. Again, for no reason, ugly behavior unprovoked with a strong emotional back, like a manic depressive with villainous language — shouting too early in the morning.

A new roommate’s adopted wild breed pit bull attacked the other dogs. Soon the room was again empty.

Laura’s dreams repeated. It began like an itch, an arthritic ache – bound in the dense dream state – a black and white rotating entity came over the hill. She saw the spinning ball rolling down the hill behind their house. Same dream the turning ball came over the hill towards their rental red house with 3 doors.

She awoke drained as if she’d been fighting all night. She was covered in sweat. Ominous, oddly dull, boring – the repeating shape drained her. In the morning she learned about the black practices and set out to remove the looming energy from the house.

This flashback – Laura thought about dealing with forces beyond others experience, such fond memories of former times at the red house, before Sun Hill.

Gray Whale Behavior
dog behavior scratching

Image by goingslo
On this day each time the whales went to the shallower part of the river, they created a lot of white water splashing. Then I could see the Mom roll over like a dog scratching its back.

Exorcised little wooden room, pink window curtain, transparent panel, closet, square of light, chairs, Rosie at the door (she won't come in), Red House, Seattle, Washington, USA

Are Jack Russell puppies a good house dog?

Question by pebbles68_2004: Are Jack Russell puppies a good house dog?

I am thinking about getting a jack russell, Is it a good house dog are they hard to train?

Best answer:

Answer by pink123
Yeah they are lovely house dogs. Mine took about 6 months to train and it is hard work but worth it in the end cos they are so adorable!! :~)

What do you think? Answer below!

Are Jack Russell puppies a good house dog?

Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Max Results Pet Training Package, Small

Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Max Results Pet Training Package, Small

  • The Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog DVDs
  • Command Collar device with extra links and Freedom Line set of light weight training leads
  • Proprietary fetch ball that helps teach and reinforce key commands like come, sit and stay
  • A pair of 100% leather gloves to add strength to your grip and protect your hands
  • A set of Don's brand new Field Training Cards that offers easy to follow training reminders

The Perfect Dog Max Results Package is Don Sullivan's best package in terms of instruction, training tools and overall care for your dog. This package is also comprehensive in that it covers all topics, problem behaviors and offers you the ability to build on past training to get a perfectly trained dog. You get Don's complete The Secrets to Training the Perfect Dog DVD library; proprietary Command Collar device with extra links; the freedom line set of light weight training leads; proprietary f

List Price: $ 99.90

Price: $ 96.87

More Dog Behaviour Products

Don Sullivan Perfect Dog Max Results Pet Training Package, Small

Friday, February 7, 2014

Richardson Rescue Dog to compete at Westminster on Saturday ...

Jimmy is an all American Mutt – the kind of loyal, devoted dog we all grew up with. He was adopted from the Richardson Humane Society in 2008, and now he's about to make history. For the first time ever, the Westminster 

Richardson Rescue Dog to compete at Westminster on Saturday ...

German shepherds having fun at the park and lake

please like my facebook page at

German shepherds having fun at the park and lake

HONY Spotlights Pet Adoption - Global Animal

(PET ADOPTION/PUPPIES/DOGS) HONY's Brandon Stanton supports his girlfriend's start-up pet adoption company, Susie's Senior Dogs to raise awareness and educate.

HONY Spotlights Pet Adoption - Global Animal

All breeds with love, care and socialization become wonderful pets (is that really true?)?

Question by Animal: All breeds with love, care and socialization become wonderful pets (is that really true?)?

How about instincts. A dog that has been bred for guarding and has a huge dominance level, can it snap at one point or another? Is there any Vet type scientific website that address this?

Best answer:

Answer by Paula
no matter how much you train you dog they will always have their own natural instincts which you can not take away. but if you use the right training then you can have a loving family pet. but no matter how much you think you know your dog you should never under estimate them.

What do you think? Answer below!

All breeds with love, care and socialization become wonderful pets (is that really true?)?

Enesco 4026112 Our Name Is Mud by Lorrie Veasey Dog Mom Mug, 4-1/2-Inch

Enesco 4026112 Our Name Is Mud by Lorrie Veasey Dog Mom Mug, 4-1/2-Inch

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Price: $ 11.48

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Enesco 4026112 Our Name Is Mud by Lorrie Veasey Dog Mom Mug, 4-1/2-Inch

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Good Samaritans rescue man, dog from Lake Michigan | WGN-TV


Good Samaritans rescue man, dog from Lake Michigan | WGN-TV

Choosing a dog: your guide to picking the perfect breed nanc

Choosing a dog: your guide to picking the perfect breed nanc

Is a Springer Spaniel too high-strung for an apartment? Is a Golden Retriever the best choice for a family with young children? This easy-to-use, A-Z guide profiles the behaviors of all breeds recognized by the AKC, as well as a cross-section of mixed breeds. The authors also discuss how to choose the right breeder, how to select a puppy and prepare for its homecoming, and more. Line art.

List Price: $ 15.00

Price: $ 9.93

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Choosing a dog: your guide to picking the perfect breed nanc

Day 199 - West Midlands Police - Drug and anti-social behaviour crackdown

A few nice dog behavior fighting images I found:

Day 199 – West Midlands Police – Drug and anti-social behaviour crackdown
dog behavior fighting

Image by West Midlands Police
This photo shows officers and a police sniffer dog during a recent crackdown on drugs and anti-social behaviour in Coventry.

Drugs and anti-social behaviour were two of the issues being tackled by officers as part of an estate-wide policing operation in Coventry.

Officers and partners from the city council and Whitefriars Housing descended on the Spon End area of the city in response to community concerns about drug use and supply.

Residents had previously raised concerns with the Bablake and Sherbourne policing team about anti-social behaviour and the use and supply of drugs on the estate and the impact this was having on the whole of the community.

So on Friday 13 July officers, including specialist Traffic and Dog Units, were in the area, leading to three arrests including a man who was found to be in possession of a large amount of suspected to contain Class A drugs. He has been bailed pending further inquiries.

Sergeant Jason Garbett said: "The tactics used today are deliberately highly visible for two reasons. Firstly we want to remind the few who are involved in criminality that they will be arrested and brought to justice.

"Secondly we want to reassure our law-abiding citizens that we are listening to their concerns.

"We will continue to act on all of the information that they provide on those individuals who are engaging in the behaviour that is affecting the quality of life of our community,"

The crackdown is the latest tactic being used by the team to tackle drugs and anti-social behaviour. Officers are keen for the public to continue to influence policing in the Spon End area.

Sergeant Garbett added: "The public tell us that drugs and anti-social behaviour are two of the biggest influences that can affect their perception of safety. As we remove drugs from our streets we are able to break the chain of crime and anti social behaviour that can result from their sale and use.

"The feedback to our operation has been really positive and with the public’s continued support we will continue to achieve similar results."

Saving Israel … Winner of the 2009 National Jewish Book Award …item 2.. Chumash Themes #21: Wars of the Jews — We only fight those who choose to fight us. (May 3, 2013 / 23 Iyar 5773) …
dog behavior fighting

Image by marsmet549
Israel is beset from all sides. In the international community, it is the only country whose right to exists is still debated. Closer to home, many Arab leaders continue to call for its destruction. Inside its borders, Israel’s own Arab population grows ever more hostile. And now, countless Jews within Israel and around the world have begun to lose faith in the very idea of a Jewish state. Can Israel weather these challenges?


……..*****All images are copyrighted by their resepctive authors …….


… marsmet544 photo … Mister Peabody & Sherman "Peabody’s Improbable History" …item 2.. The Iranian Cloud — This is no “peaceful electricity project.” (Sept 28, 2012 / 12 Tishrei 5773) …


… marsmet544 photostream … Page 1





…..item 1)…. Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End …

… Daniel Gordis …

Winner of the 2009 National Jewish Book Award…

Israel is beset from all sides. In the international community, it is the only country whose right to exists is still debated. Closer to home, many Arab leaders continue to call for its destruction. Inside its borders, Israel’s own Arab population grows ever more hostile. And now, countless Jews within Israel and around the world have begun to lose faith in the very idea of a Jewish state. Can Israel weather these challenges?



img code photo … Daniel Gordis, Saving Israel…




img code photo … National Jewish Book Awards Winner … Jewish Book Council…



In Saving Israel, Daniel Gordis offers a new defense of the Jewish state, asking first why Israel is necessary, and then discussing what Israel has to do in order to survive its enemies. Gordis begins with a novel discussion of Israel’s purpose, reflecting on the overlooked ways in which Israel has changed the existential condition of Jews everywhere. In the process, he grapples with controversial questions about Israel, Israeli Arabs, Muslims, and the International community that many Israelis and American Jews are loath to confront. Gordis lays to rest an array of pernicious myths about Israel:

… Jews in the United States could thrive without Israel

… Israeli Arabs just want equality, and Palestinians simply want their own state

… Peace will come, if Israel is willing to make appropriate territorial compromises

… Fighting and winning wars is antithetical to Judaism

Gordis suggestions for what Israel must do to survive, and more importantly, for how it must think if it is to have a future, are sure to arouse debate and even controversy. For Gordis’ book is a passionate reminder of Israel’s purpose, a celebration of what Israel has already accomplished, a renewal of faith in the cause, and a bold guide for carrying on the struggle. Saving Israel is a full-throated call to arms. Never has the case for defending the existence of Israel been made with such confidence, passion, and clarity.

—- Reviews

Few books can combine the sweep of Israel’s complex and extraordinary history with personal insight and passion. Saving Israel accomplishes this and more, it educates and inspires it readers while furnishing them with well-grounded hope for the future. Daniel Gordis has written an essential text for students, scholars, journalists–anyone concerned with the survival of the Jewish State.

–Michael Oren, Bestselling author of Six Days of War and Power, Faith and Fantasy: American in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present

Daniel Gordis’s morally powerful Saving Israel, from a writer whose reflections are consistently as intellectually impressive as they are moving, engages in an acutely necessary argument: that sovereignty has significantly changed the Jewish condition by influencing how we think. Gordis addresses the exigencies of our time with the urgency they overridingly demand, and with the depth of feeling they inspire.

–Cynthia Ozick

Daniel Gordis’ Saving Israel is an important book. Bold in his willingness to be forthright and politically incorrect, Gordis sets forth propositions which are difficult for many to accept, such as the fact that Israel’s existence is more important than peace and that Israel can never be a copy of the American style liberal democracy. For, as he notes, what is at stake is not merely a state, but the only Jewish State in 2000 years, and the very future of the Jews worldwide, including those who do not live in that State. Hopefully, Saving Israel will inspire constructive discussion and analysis of core issues that Israelis, Jews everywhere, (and the entire West) have studiously avoided for far too long.

–Natan Sharansky, Former Soviet dissident and Israeli Cabinet Minister; author of Defending Identity: Its Indispensable Role in Protecting Democracy

Daniel Gordis has written a book about the future of Israel that is both heart-wrenching and heart-warming. His has consistently been, these past few years, one of the most engaging voices to have emerged from this time of trial for the Jewish state, and it is impossible not to be moved by his plea for hope in the land whose very existence should be a living symbol of hope.

–Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth

One of Israel’s most thoughtful observers

–Alan Dershowitz, author of The Case for Israel






……item 2)…. Chumash Themes #21: Wars of the Jews …

… …

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img code photo … Chumash Themes #21: Wars of the Jews



The Torah innovation of “battlefield ethics.”

by Rabbi Zave Rudman


Deuteronomy – chapters 20, 21, 23, 25:17-19

— Introduction

Everyone knows that the most popular Hebrew word is shalom, peace. Shalom is the final thought of the Amidah prayer, and the final thought of the Grace After Meals. Shalom is emphasized throughout Torah literature, and it is said that one of the names of God is Shalom.1



img code photo … video Chumash Themes #21 … Jewish Wars: Protection of a Mitzvah

With Rabbi Eytan Feiner



The Torah, however, does not ignore the fact that war is a fundamental part of human events. In the Torah, we see four types of war-related discussions:

… The laws of warfare, as described primarily in Deuteronomy chapters 20, 21 and 23.

… Wars that the Jews are commanded to wage – e.g. the war against Amalek (Deut. 25:17-19) and the war against the Canaanite nations (Deut. 7:1-2).

… Historical descriptions of wars – both internecine and external – that actually took place. These can be found starting with Abraham, throughout the Torah and into the prophets, ending with the description of the war with Babylon when the first Temple was destroyed.

…Prophecies about war in the Messianic era, and the place of battle at that time.

To get a better understanding of the Jewish perspective on war, let’s examine each of these four categories.

— The Laws of War

When the Torah presents laws for behavior on the battlefield, it is primarily coming to address the urges that are released when the “dogs of war” are let loose. When people are expected to negate the most basic of human instincts – self-preservation – and immerse in the inherent repugnance of killing, many of the fine points of what makes us human and Godlike can be swept away. So the Torah introduces into human consciousness the concept of “battlefield ethics,” to prevent the army and its soldiers from sinking into a state of depravity.

One of the first such laws is actually the prohibition against using iron to build the Temple altar. The verse says, “Do not build the altar of cut stones, since you have defiled it but utilizing your sword.”2 In many ancient and even medieval societies there was an intermingling between warriors and religion. With this law, the Torah very clearly delineates the difference between service of God – which is holy and merciful – and the bloodshed of war, which must be kept outside the Temple.

The reality is that war makes one callous and cruel. Therefore, since God Himself commanded the Jews to rid the land of evil, God likewise promised the soldiers that they would retain their compassionate nature. In the words of our parsha: “God will have compassion on you, and reverse any display of anger that might have existed.”3

The Book of Deuteronomy offers more intricate laws of how and when to go to battle, and how to treat an enemy and captured territory. For example:

… Deuteronomy 20:10 states the requirement to try to find a peaceful solution to any conflict. The verse says: "When approaching a town to attack it, first offer them peace." Only if their response is negative are you permitted to attack. Even then, the army is to allow the enemy an escape route should they desire to leave the battlefield.4

… Deuteronomy chapter 23 emphasizes how the laws of purity and cleanliness are to be kept even in the camp. Since it is quite common that soldiers experience a general lowering of civility, detailed laws are taught even about the construction of latrines

In halachic terms, there is another issue: It is forbidden to study Torah in the presence of human wastes.5 So by mandating proper latrines, the Torah is ensuring that even in the army, the obligation of Torah study continues – to help maintain the spiritual level of the soldiers. For after all, Jewish wars are ultimately won based not on tanks and planes, but on spiritual merits.

… Deuteronomy 20:19-20 teaches the prohibition against wanton waste in the context war. Battle is always the supreme waste of resources – money, materials, and even human beings. To not allow ourselves to become desensitized, the Torah teaches that when using the trees around the battlefield to construct fortifications, do not use fruit trees that could be utilized for food purposes.

— The Eglah Arufa

Deuteronomy chapter 21 presents an unusual law: The Torah says that if a corpse is found on an intercity road, and the murderer cannot be found, then the community leaders are to perform a ceremony where they take responsibility for the misdeed and ask forgiveness from God for the lawlessness in their area.

This law is a fascinating lesson in the degree of accountability the Torah requires from Jewish leaders.

This law is even more unusual considering its placement in the context of the (seeming unconnected) laws of war. One would think that when a country is at war, and pillage and destruction fill the land, one more corpse would hardly be noticed. So here the Torah is trying to heighten our sensitivities: One may be obligated to go to war and kill, but we must not become inured to the value of human life. As Golda Meir famously said, “We can forgive our enemies for killing our children, but not for turning our children into killers.”

This is the Jewish approach. War may be required, but only as a last resort, and without losing sight of the damage that can be brought to the soul of the soldier.

— Commanded Wars

The second discussion concerns the two times the Jewish people are actually commanded to go out and wage war. The first is against Amalek, and the second is regarding the conquest of the Land of Israel. These two have fundamentally different rationales, and therefore separate sets of laws.

The war against Amalek is a reaction to an unprovoked attack on the Jewish people. As the Jewish people travel through the desert, immediately after the Exodus from Egypt, they are ambushed by Amalek. Amalek is not worried about the Jews attacking them, nor are they interested in conquering the Jewish Land – we were nomads in the desert. They attacked in order to show the world that the Jews are just like all other nations and there is no need to take seriously the miraculous events of the Exodus and the splitting of the sea. This wanton and brazen attack earned Amalek the eternal enmity of God.

But beyond threatening the physical existence of the Jewish people, Amalek was primarily attacking the lofty spiritual ideals they had introduced to the world. The Jewish people demonstrated the concept of freedom from human slavery and subservience to God. The despots of the world cannot allow that. So Amalek attacks this idea and those who represent it. Therefore, the Jews are commanded to eradicate this opposition completely and totally from the world. A human could not make such a decision, but this is the Godly wisdom: By espousing such contempt for freedom and human worth, Amalek abdicates its place in the world.

The second commandment is the war to conquer the Land of Canaan. In this case, the Jews must first try to accomplish the acquisition in a peaceful manner, with war as only a final resort. Under the leadership of Moses, and then Joshua, the Jews send missives and letters, enjoining the Canaanites to either leave the land peacefully, or to stay in the land under Jewish auspices.6

This commandment needs to be put into perspective of the ownership of Israel. God had promised the land to Abraham and his descendents as an eternal possession.7 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Twelve Tribes all lived in the land, but left temporarily during the Egyptian exile. When the Jewish people returned, they did not attack at first, but suggest that the usurping Canaanites return to their traditional homes. We only fight those who choose to fight us.

— Historical Wars

The third aspect of war discussed in the Torah is historical accounts of battles that took place. There are many, but it is interesting to note one specific battle that did not take place. In the beginning of the Book of Kings, there is a rebellion against the house of David. King Rechabam prepares to go to war against the rebels (see 1-Kings 12:23 on), when the prophet comes to him and stops the war. “You have no right to go to war against other Jews. This is not an enemy, but a brother.” Rechabam listens to the prophet, folds his army and returns home. The Torah is emphasizing that civil war is for only the most extraordinary circumstances.

The last aspect of war discussed in the Torah is regarding the Messianic era, exemplified by that immortal verse that is repeated twice in the prophets: “They shall beat their swords into plowshares.”8 There is no greater testimony to peace as the ultimate goal of Judaism.

On one hand, the Torah is realistic that in a world with enemies, one may need to go to battle. But war is not noble. It can be tolerated when needed. It must be directed to not get out of hand, and contained within Divine guidelines. We must keep the goals and dreams of the Jewish people firmly targeted toward bringing about a peaceful, civilized, God-conscious world.



Jewish Pathways … Jewish Wars: Protection of a Mitzvah

video: 05:07 minutes




The Goldhar School Presents: The Crash Course in Torah

Session 19 … Wars and Inheritance of the Lnad

YouTube video: 6:39 minutes



1. Talmud – Shabbat 10b

2. Exodus 20:21

3. Deut. 13:18

4. Maimonides (Kings 6:4,5,7) with Kesef Mishnah

5. Orach Chaim 83:1 with Mishnah Berurah 5

6. Maimonides (Kings 6:5)

7. Genesis 15:18

8. Isaiah 2:4; Micha 4:3







Day 199 - West Midlands Police - Drug and anti-social behaviour crackdown

henley - Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue

henley is approx 1 year old and 44 lbs, he looks like a bearded collie mix, not sure with what but he is just the sweetest and most gentle dog, he is very quiet and a little on the shy side but also can be very panful once he gets 

henley - Houston Shaggy Dog Rescue

Viral Video: Budweiser Super Bowl 2014 puppy love commercial …

I have rescued, and adopted both of our dogs, and I don't care what “breed” my dog is. They are just “dogs”! We did the same with our horses….all three of them, and our numerous cats….some people just need to get over 

Viral Video: Budweiser Super Bowl 2014 puppy love commercial …

Hot Dog Tray | 50ct Reviews

Hot Dog Tray | 50ct

  • White paper trays are perfect for serving hot dogs
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These paper trays are a perfect way to dish up some delicious food on a hot summer day. Measuring 7.5'' long and 3'' wide, they're just perfectly sized for hotdogs, and with 50 per package it's just right for a good size party!

Price: $ 1.84

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Hot Dog Tray | 50ct Reviews

Is there a Health Insurance for Dogs? ?

Question by Ashley Rodriguez: Is there a Health Insurance for Dogs? ?

I have a chihuahua and I’m wondering if I can get insurance for her dog insurance like when I take her to the hospital for anything?is there a dog insurance if so what kind and how can I registrate her thank you

Best answer:

Answer by ?
It’s called PET insurance

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Is there a Health Insurance for Dogs? ?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jogger Helps Rescue Man, Dog From Icy Water | NBC Chicago

A passing jogger helped rescue a man who attempted to save his pet poodle from icy Montrose Harbor Tuesday.

Jogger Helps Rescue Man, Dog From Icy Water | NBC Chicago

Brushing German Shepherd Dog Teeth

How to effectively brush the teeth of your large breed dog.

Brushing German Shepherd Dog Teeth

Sonoma County dogs need loving foster homes

If you adore dogs and love making a difference, here's your chance to do so in a big way. Sonoma County Animal Care and Control seeks loving canine foster parents to provide stable, short-term homes for dogs awaiting adoption.

Sonoma County dogs need loving foster homes

Augusta Dog Adoptions Group Looking for Homes for Pit Bulls ...

An animal adoption group in Augusta County is pushing a promotion this month to get more pit bulls into loving homes. The organization is trying to save these pups, which often get a bad rap, from being put down.

Augusta Dog Adoptions Group Looking for Homes for Pit Bulls ...

Viral Video: Budweiser Super Bowl 2014 puppy love commercial ...

I have rescued, and adopted both of our dogs, and I don't care what “breed” my dog is. They are just “dogs”! We did the same with our horses….all three of them, and our numerous cats….some people just need to get over 

Viral Video: Budweiser Super Bowl 2014 puppy love commercial ...

SUNSHINE MILLS Pup Corn Peanut Butter Flavored Dog Treat, 7-Ounce

SUNSHINE MILLS Pup Corn Peanut Butter Flavored Dog Treat, 7-Ounce

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SUNSHINE MILLS Pup Corn Peanut Butter Flavored Dog Treat, 7-Ounce

Flood-hit Bristol Dogs and Cats Home warned high tides could bring more …

AN animal charity has been warned to brace itself for more flooding – after being submerged in water twice in the space of a month. Bristol Dogs & Cats Home and the RSPA Bristol Clinic in St Philip's was damaged by floodwater when the River Avon 

Flood-hit Bristol Dogs and Cats Home warned high tides could bring more …

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Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior (A Harvest Book)

Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior (A Harvest Book)

  • Scientific

I don't know if people will ever be able to talk to animals the way Doctor Doolittle could, or whether animals will be able to talk back. Maybe science will have something to say about that. But I do know people can learn to "talk" to animals, and to hear what animals have to say, better than they do now. --From Animals in Translation

Why would a cow lick a tractor? Why are collies getting dumber? Why do dolphins sometimes kill for fun? How can a parrot learn to spell? How did wolves teac

List Price: $ 15.00

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What is dog breed characteristics and origins?

Question by : What is dog breed characteristics and origins?

Hi friends I would like to know about dog breed history and it origins so please suggest me some of the website to know about the dog breeds and also I would like to know about the characteristics about the dog breeds..

Best answer:

Answer by Chrys

Give your answer to this question below!

What is dog breed characteristics and origins?

Jack Russell Guard Dog Long Day In The Office

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Good Samaritans Rescue Man And Dog | WGN-TV

Two people rescued a man and his dog from the icy waters of lake michigan today.

Good Samaritans Rescue Man And Dog | WGN-TV

Animal Care and Control offers $10 pet adoptions |

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – A grant is allowing the Indianapolis Animal Care and Control to offer lower adoption fees for dogs and cats. Organizers say the reduced fees of just $10 begin on Feb. 1. The offer will run until the grant 

Animal Care and Control offers $10 pet adoptions |

Dog care tips please ?

Question by lollypop: Dog care tips please ?

hey im 15 and i will be getting a small dog called a Jackapoodle before you ask its a cross between a jack Russel and a poodle please don’t say mutt of anything like that this is my first puppy im used to cats but mine died in easter so i will be getting my first puppy can you give me some dog care tips please :D

sorry i ment jackadoodle NOT jackapoodle :D

Best answer:

Answer by Emma
Training is very important. Make sure you solacise your puppy well too. Here are a few websites

Add your own answer in the comments!

Dog care tips please ?

Adoption day may be last chance for many dogs – The Newnan …

The Coweta County Animal Shelter is overcrowded with dogs and, if some of them don't get adopted soon, the shelter will have to start euthanizing them — for the first time since November. Lt. Henry Freeman, animal shelter 

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Dog Rescued after Falling 150 ft. in Chuckanut Mountains | Life With ...

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Dog Rescued after Falling 150 ft. in Chuckanut Mountains | Life With ...

Dog Ovulation Portable Detector Tester for Breeders

Dog Ovulation Portable Detector Tester for Breeders

  • The detector is a portable device that helps determining the optimal time for mating.
  • The dog ovulation tester is a small, portable and very versatile instrument which is powered by a common 9V battery.
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The detector is a portable device that helps determining the optimal time for mating.

The dog ovulation tester is a small, portable and very versatile instrument which is powered by a common 9V battery.

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Dean & Tyler Favorite Training Tool Use Shake Trainer. - Stops Your Dog's Unwanted Behavior in Minutes - Recommended By Trainers & Vets - 100% Humane. Comes with DVD with Easy Instructions. Stops: Barking, Chasing, Going Potty, Jumping Up, Running Away, Pulling on Leash Etc...Best Training Tool Ever.

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List Price: $ 44.95

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STUD STOPPER "Clear" MEDIUM 13-25 Lbs STUD STOPPER "Clear" X Small 3-7 Lbs Is a Vet Recommended Safe Male Dog Birth Control Alternative. Non-surgical Non-chemical. Maintain All Daily Activities i.e. urinating, Even Simulate Mating During the Heat Cycle. Stud Stopper Creates a Barrier Between the Female and the Male. No More Separating Your Dogs.

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List Price: $ 39.99

Price: $ 39.99

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Dean & Tyler Favorite Training Tool Use Shake Trainer. - Stops Your Dog's Unwanted Behavior in Minutes - Recommended By Trainers & Vets - 100% Humane. Comes with DVD with Easy Instructions. Stops: Barking, Chasing, Going Potty, Jumping Up, Running Away, Pulling on Leash Etc...Best Training Tool Ever.